Our Main Projects


In many Sub-Saharan countries, the achievement of self-sufficiency in food production is the highest priority of agricultural policy. However, with continued reliance on rainwater for cultivation, it is not easy to secure stable agricultural production. When running a charitable organization, food safety is on the top of the list. At pink roses we engage in agriculture to settle the reformed after a long time of counselling and life coaching. With more local production our expenditure is significantly reduced, and raising a healthy generation is a possibility. The children also get the first-hand information on managing the food shortage and dealing with challenges that come with food shortage. The agricultural department is tasked with the burden of promoting productions and thereby reducing the expenditure. this help goes along way. The agricultural projects include; crop production and animal production. We pray to invest more away from relying on rainwater which makes the farming more stressful and unmanageable. With that, our focus is to go for the irrigation, where we can easily time the production and control the production whether there is enough rainfall or inconsistent rainfall pattern.


Kenya faces a range of public health challenges from infectious diseases such as cholera, malaria, Ebola, HIV, to malnutrition, poor basic structure such as water and sanitation.  Medical care takes an enormous financial, emotional, and physical toll on individuals.  Without access to medicines, many poor and underprivilege people are susceptible to the three big killers, Malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS. AIDS continues to decimate the population in many rural areas. Of the over 300 million cases of Malaria in the world each year, 90% are children and majority are in these rural areas. Inadequate human resource and healthcare compounds the problem the more. At Pink Roses with much respect we strain to provide basic medical services to them that most need it and cannot afford it due to finance and other conditions.

Feeding Program

This program is aimed at providing nutritious foods to children and adolescents in slums of Mathare valley, Korokocho, Mukuru kwa njenga and Kibra slums in Nairobi.  The beneficiaries in this program are mostly those under acute starvation. Food problem is a monster in these selected slums. They are listed and get the periodic help but they stay with their care givers without actually locating to our facilities. The items they get include cereals, flour, cooking oil, dry proteins and other assorted handouts. It also involves occasional foods to the street families in Kariokor, who have completely refused to move in for rehabilitation.

Environmental Care

Human existence is quite impossible without the presence of a healthy ecosystem. Our environment comprises all living and non-living components and their interactions within a natural habitat. Environmental conservation has become one of the core issues that need to be addressed to battle climate change and global warming. Sustainable development is the need of the hour that can save mother earth from the repercussions of industrialization. We aim to elaborate upon environmental conservation, its needs and ways of conserving the environment. This practice paves the way for protecting the environment and natural resources. Various core environmental issues are taking a heavy toll on human lives. Ranging from overpopulation, hydrological issues, ozone depletion, and global warming to deforestation, desertification and pollution, all these issues pose a severe threat to the existence of humankind. Our impact however small they may be. We hope we will solve these problems to some extent, one by one. They include soil conservations, waste management especially in these slums, pollution control and concerted efforts on deforestation.


Education is one sure tool to bolt millions out of poverty. Accessing quality education for the poor is a very slim dream for poor Kenyans. Majority of girls are married off at an early age as they are being viewed as a burden to the poor family. Boys too are not spared the poverty drama. Many drop out off school to help the parents fend for the family, or pick up the burden of provision in cases where the parents die. Many are again affected by family issues and cannot concentrate in class. To solve this, we have an education project where as low as $40 is enough to cater for such candidates for a whole term in school in primary, and $50 to keep one in secondary school for one term. When you give a child a chance to go through quality education, you plant a seed that cannot be uprooted. You educate one child, you have saved a family, and a whole village in future. Our education sponsorship is for those OVCs and rehabilitated young women. This is done in three groups. The basic education, the high school and the post-secondary education. The basic education is so far for PP1 through to grade 6. High school education is for both Junior secondary school and senior secondary school students while post-secondary education is for those in colleges and universities.


The life of a widow is hard! Being homeless is a heart breaking embarrassment. The challenges that orphans go through are so many, especially if the parents left nothing for the helpless orphans to pick on. There is certainly nothing to smile about being in any of the above-mentioned groups! There are over 8 million widows in Kenya, with over 80% of them grieving in poverty. There are 2.6 million children who are either orphaned or are vulnerable.

We deal with extreme cases of lack and poverty in the case of sponsorship. Here we attend to three categories. The widows, the orphans and vulnerable and the homeless irrespective of their religion and age and sex. Some have reported cooking stones as the children to wait, till they sleep, hoping that the mother is cooking. Food prices are on a crazy rise since the outbreak of COVID 19. Having more than one meal a day is recognized as luxury in many homes, mostly homes that are run by widows. The starving are now dying one by one. We run the widow program for 16 months, where the widow is equipped with skills and empowered economically. This allows them to pick up the pieces and put a face of confidence as they lead their families. It costs $1000 to take one widow through the 16 months program, and to leave her on her feet. There are hundreds of thousands homeless and millions of orphans. A sponsorship of as low as $30 is enough to sponsor such case for a month.

Rehabilitate Sex Workers

In most cases poverty is a major factor that drives women into prostitution. Majority of them have lost focus in life, lost hope, have lost their esteem and are really empty down within. Some of them have experienced serious abuse in the hands of their clients.

There are many cultures that also force women to eventually become commercial sex workers. Majority of sex workers are children under the age of 18.

 At Pink Roses we aim to provide the skilled staff and program activities tailored to the rehabilitative needs of women.  The programs are aimed at changing the attitudes and behaviours of the females that have been rescued from commercialized sex activities, or those who willingly came for help from such addictive practices. Our staff are made familiar with the background of each of the women and relate to her accordingly to foster positive self-esteem and facilitate faster adoption of normative values and livelihood within the community either within the family, community, or lanes of employments and entrepreneurship.  Within the institution, we encourage independence within the normative structure.  Structured periodic counselling on sex and marriage and preparation for living in the community through prerelease and after care programs. Priority activities include education for under eighteen girls, vocational training for those above eighteen years of age, setting up business for those who have some skills or graduates.  These programs bring hope back to them, help them realize their worth, that they are precious and help them gain confidence, and get rid of insecurities they might have about themselves. These programs also help them change concept of self and create normative life and prevent them from returning to their former job.

Those who complete all the stages are then taken for resocialization. Resocialization is a series of guided activities where we try as much as humanly possible to conceal the past life of the women in our programs, to prepare them to fully integrate into the normative life and society. It costs $ 2,250 to take one candidate through the whole program.

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